Okay so I'm about 90% done with my classroom. My dad or husband has to come and install the quilt hanger and I have to hang by back to school quilt, I have one bulletin board to finish decorating, and I have a few other little odds and ends that need to be cleaned up (mainly my desk). But for the most part 4 days (about 30 hours) later my classroom is starting to look ready! I really love this classroom - there is a ton of wall space and I utilized every inch!
My desk
Side wall & rolling bulletin board (that hides all my bins)
View from my desk
Little magnets with my students' names on them - they move them to the "bathroom", "nurse", or "office" pocket. (Pinterest idea!)
Another view from my desk
Rock & Roll Behavior Chart (Pinterest idea!)
Classroom Volume Chart (Pinterest idea!)
Job Chart - little pockets with name of job & description. (Pinterest idea!)
Classroom library - books have labels with author name, series, or topic.
View from library to my desk. I put together new mailboxes (left).
You can also see a little bit of our hermit crab tank.
Back to school desk
4th Grade Survival Kit on each kid's desk
Tracking learning board - each laminated paw has a paperclip on the top. Kids can slip in an exit slip on their number or stick a post-it.
A few more hours of organizing and decorating and I'll be all ready for my new kiddos.
I'm going to take some more pics (including a virtual tour panoramic picture) when my classroom is complete. Taking the day off tomorrow to relax and refresh!